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Why WorkTrace?

Did you know that your Logistics management information system is a critical success factor, alongside cost and quality? Leading logistics companies use systems that link customers, logistics suppliers, transporters, customs and e-tailors and have key functionality for returns management, customer support, goods traceability and quality control.

Does your system do all that? WorkTrace is just such a system bringing real added-value to its user organizations. National postal services around Europe have understood this advantage and opted for WorkTrace.


Worktrace & SalesForce

As Bill Gates said, the one who controls the front end, controls the client.

WorkTrace allows the client to make a shipment right in his SaleForce environment using his existing address book, catalog etc, without any data reentry to a external shipment module. By a click of a button, the client creates shipment with his favorite shippers, receives a PDF label. Traces and Tracks his items, manages consignments and views his volumes, alerts etc. In brief full power of WorkTrace logistics management is available to SalesForce user.


What's next with Worktrace

WorkTrace released its first two modules based upon mobile. The solution is built upon solid proven and widely available technologies. Smart Phone under Android for data capture. Built in cameras for bar-code scanning and capture of clients signatures. Built-in address and telephone books for shipment generation. Telephony GSM for integration of the data capture and CRM.